Support us

Support Allegro Amabile

Join Allegro Amabile’s friends by joining the association.

By joining, you become a privileged partner of Allegro Amabile :

  • You contribute to the development and influence of the association
  • You help promote music
  • You are helping to make the music present and alive !
  • You will benefit from a preferential rate for our concerts

30 € per person and 50 € per couple – Benefactor member from 100 €.

BENEFACTOR MEMBER will receive a CERFA receipt that will allow them to charge the amount of the donation on their taxes: in accordance with the law of August 1, 2003 on sponsorship it is allowed you to benefit from a tax reduction of 66% within the limit of 20% of taxable income

How to support ?

By the postal services

Send your name, address, phone and email with your cheque

Order : allegroamabile 

Address : Allegro Amabile, 481 Chemin de Saquier, 06200 Nice.

By bank transfer

Send your name, address, phone and email to and make your transfert directly to:

Crédit Mutuel – Cannes centre Croisette

IBAN : FR 76 1027 8089 5700 0207 7270 187